We all wish you a Blessed and Joyous Christmas Day celebrating the gift of Jesus Christ today from all of us at First Street Missionary Baptist Church in Hopkinsville Kentucky. Come worship with us.
First Street Missionary Baptist Church invites you to attend worship services with us today. Sunday School: Sunday Morning's at 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship-Sunday Morning's at 11:00 a.m..
Instructors for Sunday School are:
Men's Bible Class: Wilson Bullock / Charles Jago Jr
Women's Bible Class #1: Mary Poole / Mary Dulin
Women's Bible Class #2: Georgia Ellis / Gwendolyn Parker
Young Men & Young Women Class: Flossie Brim / Ronald Gager
New Membership Class: Pastor TImberlake
Intermediate Boys: Rev. McWilliams / Rev. Irvin Cushenberry (substitute Jane Northington)
Intermediate Girls: Regina Parham / Winifred Leavell
Junior Boys: Eddie Howard / Samuel Taylor
Junior Girls: Wanda Wharton / Teresa Jones
Primary: Jimmie Lee Darden / Vanessa Lyons
Beginners: Angela Shipp / Phylllis Scott
Sanctuary Class: Willoyd Wharton / Thomas Grant